The 19-room Rabbit Hill Inn combines the peaceful atmosphere of Northern Vermont with an elegant B&B experience. The clean, spacious rooms are more "L.L. Bean cozy" than "Manhattan chic," and each is individually decorated. Outstanding features in some of the rooms include wood-burning fireplaces and soaking tubs for two. All essential B&B elements -- antiques, comfy beds, a cat (named Reese) -- are accounted for, as well as some less common B&B perks (free Wi-Fi, and an on-site tavern with a skilled barman). This Vermont inn offers a lovely restaurant with free breakfast, personalized service, and an escape from technology -- rooms are TV-free and cell phones have limited service.
The 19-room Rabbit Hill Inn combines the peaceful atmosphere of Northern Vermont with an elegant B&B experience. The clean, spacious rooms are more "L.L. Bean cozy" than "Manhattan chic," and each is individually decorated. Outstanding features in some of the rooms include wood-burning fireplaces and soaking tubs for two. All essential B&B elements -- antiques, comfy beds, a cat (named Reese) -- are accounted for, as well as some less common B&B perks (free Wi-Fi, and an on-site tavern with a skilled barman). This Vermont inn offers a lovely restaurant with free breakfast, personalized service, and an escape from technology -- rooms are TV-free and cell phones have limited service.