Articles Mentioning Tokyo Hotels

12 Destinations Worth Your Full Two-Week Vacation

Doling out your vacation days can be tough. Whether you live in the United States, where companies don’t legally have to give workers any paid vacation days, or in the European Union, which by law has to give employees at least four work weeks of paid vacation, chances are you’re often thinking about how you’ll…

25 Things To Know Before Traveling to Japan

Simply put, Japan is a fascinating destination. You’ll find a seamless blend of old traditions and new technology here. You’ll also discover gorgeous natural landscapes just a short train ride from sparkling, sprawling cities and loud, jarring outlets a short distance from quiet areas full of nuanced rules. It’s the kind of place where people…

The World’s Most Notorious Red Light Districts

Whether they’re spoken about openly, or talked about in hushed tones, there are corners of almost every major city where the sex trade is thriving. From Nevada to Amsterdam, Paris, and Bangkok, red light districts have occupied a place in the minds of artists, writers, self-professed bohemians, moralists, ethicists, and travelers for centuries. Of course,…

8 Destinations That Cater to Every Vice

Vices are often tied to the seven deadly sins — greed, gluttony, lust, sloth, wrath, envy, and pride — but these behaviors don’t always have to be so dramatic. Generally speaking, a vice is defined as an act that is viewed as pleasurable for some and wicked or detrimental to others. Far be it from…

25 Things You Need to Know Before You Go to Tokyo

If you’ve been paying attention, you know that Tokyo is topping the lists of travelers everywhere. Whether you’re coming for the 2020 Tokyo Summer Olympics or simply to devour plates of sushi, there will be plenty to keep you busy for days. However, with a population that makes New York look small and a landscape…

The 7 Best Bang-for-Your-Buck Luxury Hotels in Tokyo

Deluxe Room King Bed at Mandarin Oriental, Tokyo In 2018, Tokyo fell off the list of the world’s 10 most expensive cities, but it’s still known for having high hotel rates. Even a short stay in a traditional inn with shared bathrooms can set you back a few hundred dollars. However, if you’re ready to…