Articles Mentioning Paris Hotels

NEW on Oyster: 8 Romantic Spas in Europe

A spa day is a relatively romantic endeavor on its own, but move that spa day to Europe and it’s nearly guaranteed to spark some l’amour. Our expert hotel investigators have been busily traveling through Europe visiting tons of hotels, and along the way they’ve found a handful with some pretty epic spas. From sexy,…

The 10 Best Honeymoons on a Budget

Getting married is so exciting and wonderful…and stressful….and expensive — are we starting to sound like your father? After all, saying “I do” to your significant other also means saying yes to a reception hall, a caterer, and half-a-trillion other details like flowers, place settings, you name it. While the wedding will certainly be one…

Europe’s Hidden Gem Hotels: 10 Charming Boutiques NEW On Oyster

Europe is home to plenty of gorgeous grande dames; large, stately hotels that are both iconic and sometimes imposing, with high-ceilinged entryways, sweeping staircases, tons of rooms, and large, bustling restaurants that attract tourists and locals, as well as hotel guests. Spots like these are certainly worth a visit, but there’s something to be said…

Paris in the Springtime: What to Do and Where to Stay

As the song goes, “I love Paris in the springtime.” Of course, Fitzgerald goes on to claim that she loves Paris in every season, and the romantic City of Light is certainly lovely all year long. But it can be argued that the French capital never shines quite so brightly as it does in the…

Wine Tour of the World: 10 Must-Visit Stops

It’s hard to resist the complex flavors and rich history that comes with drinking a glass of vino. And heck, it’s hard to resist sipping on wine even without all that history…but it is noteworthy: In a process dating back to 6000 BC (well before the Romans epitomized the drink across the Mediterranean), the transformation…

UNESCO World Heritage Sites: The 9 Must-See Spots

We have seen some beautiful sites during our travels around the world. But don’t take our word for it (although you should; we are experts) — many of our favorite places are UNESCO World Heritage Sites, which means they are “places on Earth that are of outstanding universal value to humanity and as such, have…

Your European Vacation: When to Go Where in 2014

Europe is a popular destination year-round, and it becomes all the more popular as the temperatures rise and students and families opt to travel abroad during their spring and summer vacations. Those who have an extended amount of time off (and, of course, the cash to afford it) can visit numerous cities during one trip,…

The 5 Most Romantic Hotel Rooms for Valentine’s Day

A romantic date is a requirement on Valentine’s Day if you’re in a relationship, but if you really want to impress your significant other, a lovely weekend getaway is just the ticket. And with February 14th falling on the Friday of President’s Day weekend this year, its the perfect time to escape with your honey.…