Articles Mentioning New York Hotels

The 5 Best Workout Spots for Celebrity Sightings

Some people are so focused during their workout that they hardly notice where they are, let alone which famous faces may be passing by them. And we applaud those people who dedicate the utmost concentration to their fitness regimen. But some of us may have a wandering eye while working on our fitness (hey, it…

Santa Paws and More: The Best Holiday Hotel Features

Traveling during the holiday season is as old as the holidays themselves – literally, if you ask anyone who owns a manger in Bethlehem. But just because people hit the road doesn’t mean they shouldn’t be able to feel the spirit of the season wherever they go. To help get you feeling festive, here are…

Your Grown-Up Christmas Wish List (For Your Inner Kid)

You were always a good kid — especially around Christmas time — so Santa rewarded you with gifts from your wish list: the coveted doll, the electric train, the drum set, you name it! But what of those items you asked for that didn’t make it under the tree? Your parents had promised that Santa…

Post-Breakup Escapes: Where to Go to Get over Your Good-for-Nothing Ex

Dubbed the “turkey drop,” the days between Thanksgiving and Christmas mark a peak in break-ups across the country. Seriously, research has proven it. Were you blindsided by a “we need to talk” text from your soon-to-be-ex while you were out buying their Christmas present? Well you weren’t the only one. Ashton Kutcher and Demi Moore…

A Tanning Butler, Anyone? Luxury Services Designed For The 1%

These hotels clearly had the one percent in mind when they designed the decadent services below. Read on for a voyeuristic peek into the lives of the people that the 99% loves to hate. (We’ll give you a hint: It sometimes involves butlers whose sole job is rubbing on sunscreen).

A Non-Skier’s Guide to a Ski Town

Everyone promised that you would have skiing down in no time, right? Instead, you got stuck on the “Magic Carpet” and could barely manage the “pizza” while ski-clad tots were gracefully whizzing past you. Trust us, we’ve been there. But after many failed attempts at tricky ski maneuvers like getting off the ski-lift without face…