Articles Mentioning New York City Hotels

Sex Toys, Nude Pools, and More: Hot Hotel Amenities

On Valentine’s Day, just about anything can get a person in the mood — but there are some things are a sure bet. That’s why we perused our most romantic hotels to find come-hither amenities that could have even total strangers getting hot and heavy in no time. Grab your spouse, significant other, or the…

The Best Hotel Bars to Watch the Super Bowl in Boston and New York City

There’s nothing like a classic New York versus Boston sports game: There’s the always-dueling Red Sox and Yankees; the formidable Celtics and decent (?) New York Knicks; and of course, the new rivalry of the New England Patriots and New York Giants. This year’s Super Bowl also marks a rematch of 2008’s Big Game .…

10 Sexy Hotel Bars Perfect for a First Date

If you haven’t found “the one” yet, but are planning on taking out someone new (and maybe special) this Valentine’s Day, some serious impressing is in order. Hotels exude sexiness on any given day, and these bars don’t disappoint: Each of them has its very own get-into-his-or-her-pants kind of charm. The Hotel: 60 Thompson; New…

Foto Friday: Your Screaming Fans

There’s design, then there’s aggressive design…And then there’s really aggressive, trippy design that makes us think someone slipped something in our drink. The Room Mate Grace in New York City has some of the headiest themes we’ve ever come across: think vertigo-inducing hallways and a pool that redefines the term “mood-lighting.” We may not love…

New Years Resolution Redos: Hotels to Help You Start the Year Over

We know how bloated/badly/gross you felt on New Year’s Day — and how you vowed to kick the nasty habit causing your “pain.” (Or weight gain, whatever.) Well, folks, it’s January 16 — can you say that you’ve started your resolution yet? Because around here at, many of us have (whoops) let our resolutions…

NFL Playoffs Week 1:’s Top Places to Stay

With the Superbowl in sight (in the super-glam city of Indianapolis, no less), do-or-die playoff games mean serious crowds, crazed fans and tons of hotel reservations for the aforementioned. We checked out this weekend’s schedule and made our own picks — for sleeping, that is.