Articles Mentioning New York City Hotels

Oyster Q&A with Heads in Beds Author Jacob Tomsky

Jacob Tomsky is a hotel expert, but don’t ask him for advice on where to stay the night. Sure, he’s spent 10 years in hotels — but most of that time was racked up behind the front desk. He saw plenty from that vantage point, though, and in 2013, he published his laugh-out-loud memoir, Heads…

Ultimate Luxury: The World’s Top 10 Relais & Chateaux Hotels

A hotel has “made it” when it’s honored as a Relais & Chateaux property. After all, established in 1954 in France (mais bien sur?!), this exclusive association is made up of just about 500 hotels and restaurants, combined, that introduce guests “to a deeper, truer understanding of the Art of Living.” Or, in much simpler…

12 Rooftop Bars Perfect for This Weekend! And Indian Summer Nights

During the summer, it’s almost impossible to stay indoors come happy hour. While the cooler months — spent with friends crowding in cozy bars and huddling by the fire — are fast approaching, there’s still time for some rooftop boozin’ — and fortunately, enjoying the sun and stars with a drink in hand is made…

13 Budget Stays in the World’s Most Expensive Cities

Newsflash! Visiting the world’s most expensive cities doesn’t necessarily mean you’ll be forced to stay in the world’s most expensive hotels. Though the suite life can be tempting when hoteling in the globe’s most affluent destinations, what’s feasible for the rich and famous often doesn’t align with what’s feasible for the rest of us. Thankfully,…

Different from the Norm: 12 Unique Hotel Stays in NYC

New York City is a one-of-a-kind town. So it only seems right that your stay in the Big Apple be one-of-a-kind as well. Forget chain hotels with cookie cutter appointments: In NYC, there is a new and exciting hotel waiting to be discovered on nearly every street corner (you just probably haven’t noticed them before).…

Labor Day Weekend Travel: 8 Must-See, A-Ma-Zing Parades

Sure, Labor Day has come to be synonymous with the beach and end-of-summer parties, but it’s actually a holiday with more industrious beginnings. In 1882, the first Labor Day was held in New York City to create a holiday for workers, thanks to the efforts of the Central Labor Union; the group wanted a day…

Movie Stars: 9 Hotels That Set the Scene for Major Films

Lights, camera, action! Over the last several decades, hotels have played important roles in the film industry. Some iconic scenes — like Julia Roberts and Richard Gere bathing in Pretty Woman — will forever be a part of cinematic history and were actually filmed at hotels, instead of on sound stages. Most hotels that make…

10 Hotels That Won’t Crush Your Summer Party Vibe

How is it already August?! This summer may be swimming by — we have some pretty hardcore party scars to prove it — but it’s not over yet. The sun is still shining, so in our book that means that there’s still time for clear booze and colorful sundowner cocktails. And, since there are only…

7 Hotels With Awe-Inspiring Aquariums

Remember how exciting it was to go on school trips to the aquarium? Getting an up-close look at marine life — from tiger sharks to stingrays — was always an enchanting experience. Well it turns out aquariums are a fun sight at any age… and they certainly add a tropical, under-the-sea vibe to otherwise bland…