Articles Mentioning Los Angeles Hotels

The Most Famous Film and TV Set Locations EVER

Oftentimes a movie, TV show, or music video can suck you in with its gorgeous sets and shooting locations. They can feel so real, you just wish you could be there. Well, you probably can’t live the fictional lives portrayed on the big and small screen (and sometimes, you probably don’t wan t to), but…

Chic Boutiques for a Sexy Getaway

There’s something about boutique hotels that make them sexier than your average getaway: Smaller spaces and dark corners, personalized service, and often diligent attention to detail make them well-suited for the romantically-inclined. We picked our favorite boutiques that have all the necessary trappings for romance. Get in the mood »

The 12 Best Beach Resorts for Foodies

As any true food lover will tell you, the best things in life come in dozens: donuts, bagels, cupcakes… you catch our drift. So today we’re bringing you the best beach resorts for foodies, in a tasty set of twelve. After all, a beach vacation is always a treat, but when it’s paired with culinary…

Beverly Hills, Celebs Can’t Force Sultan of Brunei to Sell Hotel

The Beverly Hills Hotel — L.A.’s famed “pink palace” — has long been a celebrity hot spot, but those days are a changin.’ Celebrities such as Ellen Degeneres are boycotting the once beloved property, owned by the Sultan of Brunei, thanks to the severe sharia laws Brunei introduced last week which call for death by…

Batter Up! 8 Great Baseball Towns

It’s officially slugger season and the Oyster gang can’t wait to check out a game. Although we may be divided between the Yanks and the Mets here in NYC, one thing we all can agree on is that there’s nothing quite like a spring day at the ballpark. And we’re sure that from coast to…

11 Gorgeous Views…from 11 Gorgeous Hotel Spas

Even during adventurous getaways, we love a chance for some R&R so we almost always book a spa service to treat ourselves. While we could probably enjoy a massage or facial just about anywhere, there’s something to be said for a hotel spa that is truly luxurious and jaw-dropping. Some of the most gorgeous we’ve…