Articles Mentioning Ireland Hotels

The Most Interesting Hotels in the World!

‘Tis the season for annual awards lists, but if you think you know what’s coming, guess again. Oyster’s awards aren’t like the other guys’ — we’re not like the other guys, so why should our awards be? You can find lists of the world’s best luxury hotels in a dozen other places, but only Oyster…

Oyster’s Favorite Boutique Hotels in Dublin

Dublin charms visitors with its small town feel, Georgian architecture, and hopping pubs. But it’s had the (sometimes unfair) reputation of being home to cheap, crash pad-style accommodations for decades. We’re here to set the record straight: In the last few years, Dublin’s hotel scene has become much more exciting and posh, despite the country’s…

WTF Wednesday: Caption This Photo!

There’s nothing we love more than a hotel with a good sense of humor. That’s why the quirky decor at The Morgan — situated in Dublin’s cultural Temple Bar quarter — appeals to our eyes and our funny bones. Naughty Mona Lisa elevators may not bode well with all visitors, but she’s still a classic…