Articles Mentioning Croatia Hotels

Where to Travel in Europe in Your 20s, 30s, 40s, and 50s

With so many different countries (44 to be exact) and cultures, Europe is likely to be a lifelong source of wanderlust for many travelers. So where should you travel and when? Any of the continent’s destinations are a draw at any age, but to help you narrow things down — and get your travel juices…

Where to Go in Croatia: 6 Places You Can’t Miss

The number of tourists that flock to Croatia is steadily on the rise. From January to September of this year, the Mediterranean favorite recorded 13.63 million tourist arrivals and 80.24 overnight stays. And it’s not difficult to see why. After all, the country features a stunning coastline alongside the Adriatic Sea and packs in plenty…

5 Top-Reiseziele für Solo-Travelers

Immer mehr reisefreudige Menschen entscheiden sich seit geraumer Zeit, dass sie sich alleine auf den Weg in ein Reiseabenteuer machen möchten. Warum das Solo – Reisen immer beliebter wird liegt auf der Hand: Als Alleinreisender kannst du dich frei entscheiden, wohin die Reise gehen soll, du bist unabhängig, kannst spontan deinen individuellen Stimmungen folgen und…

5 alternative Reiseziele zu Mallorca

Mallorca, schon seit Jahrzehnten bei deutschen Reisenden sehr beliebt, platzt inzwischen aus allen Nähten – 2015 waren es schon 10 Millionen Touristen, fast die Hälfte davon Deutsche. In diesem Jahr sind es laut Schätzungen noch mehr, da viele Reisende in Europa bleiben wollen. Aber zum Glück gibt es ja nicht nur Mallorca. So schön die…

6 Awesome Budget Alternatives to Capri

The Cassis Calanques by Akunamatata via Flickr With its stunning coves, fine dining restaurants and luxurious hotels, Capri is one of Europe’s most desirable vacation destinations — the only problem is the exorbitant price tag that often comes along with it. Fortunately, Europe is dotted with alluring destinations that are more budget-friendly than high-profile Capri.…

The World’s Most Breathtaking Waterfalls

There are few things in nature that have a lure as irresistible as a waterfall. People often trek countless miles, endure rain and insects, and sleep on the hard ground in order to catch a glimpse of the cascading water at the end of the journey. The excitement only builds as they inch closer and…

5 Affordable Off-Peak Destinations Worth a Visit This Fall

Many associate the end of summer with the return to the grind — but it doesn’t have to be so! As professional vacationers (hey, it actually can be a lot of work — and someone’s got to do it), we here at would beg to differ. The fall season can actually be a prime…

Europe’s 5 Best City Beach Breaks

We think choosing a holiday destination is pretty much as fun as going on the holiday itself — although that’s not to say it’s easy. But, one back and forth you won’t need to have with your holiday partner is whether to go on a cultural city break or laid-back beach holiday…at least not after…