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The World’s Best Streets for People-Watching

Rearrange your next vacation itinerary — we have something stellar lined up: people-watching. From observing locals to surveying tourists, peeking at those that are out and about can be the most entertaining (and eye-opening) part of a trip. Plus, it’s a quick and simple way to feel the vibe of a location. So to help…

9 Iconic Movie Theaters Worth Your Vacation Time

Photo by marada via Flickr. The argument against movies while traveling makes perfect sense. You came to a certain destination to experience its scene, so why would you want to waste precious vacation time inside, watching the latest Hollywood blockbuster fighting space aliens? And we agree — with one big exception: when the movie theater…

9 Cool Things to Do in Providence

Some were surprised that Providence made “The New York Times” list of “52 Places to Go in 2016.” After all, the large (by New England standards) yet quaint Rhode Island city joined exotic locales such as Mozambique, Abu Dhabi, and Cesme in the ranking. We were surprised, too — but just because others were surprised!…

11 Cities with Awesome Street Art

There are those who love it, and those who hate it. Either way, street art is very much a “thing” all over the world, and — just like with eating local food, visiting local bars, and attending local-centric events — viewing street art helps visitors get a true understanding of a destination’s vibe. So here…

Hollywood in Deutschland: Vier Orte die Filmfans besuchen sollten

Viele Filme spielen scheinbar in Deutschland. Letztlich ist es meistens nur eine Kulisse in einem Filmstudio irgendwo in Hollywood. Einige Blockbuster wurden aber tatsächlich in Deutschland gedreht. Produzenten und Darsteller können sich hier verhältnismäßig unbehelligt aufhalten, die Infrastruktur ist gut, es gibt gut erhaltene Altstädte, die Natur ist abwechslungsreich und in kurzer Fahrtzeit von den…

6 Awesome Travel Podcasts to Keep You Occupied Anytime, Anywhere

Long flights, airport delays, pre-trip inspiration, post-trip withdrawal, long layovers, morning commute fodder — whatever your motive may be, travel podcasts can make the ultimate plus-one anytime, anywhere. From staying up-to-date on travel news and discovering what to do and see in a particular destination to traveling by proxy with those who are doing it… Editors Pick 7 Summer Reads You Won’t Be Able to Put Down

A powerfully good read is a must on any summer packing list. When it’s truly captivating, a good book can cushion the blow of many travel irritations. Delayed flight? Now you can find out what happens in the next chapter. Overly chatty seat mate? Time to take out that Kindle. Crying baby two rows back?…

8 Iconic Hotels That Have Inspired Beloved Songs

There are some hotel names you just know, whether you’ve ever stayed at the hotel or not. These iconic spots can be famous for a variety of reasons: they are super luxe or popular among the stars, they figure prominently in films or were the sites of important historic events…the possibilities are numerous, and once…

What to Do in Amsterdam This Summer

Amina Tagemouati via Flickr With a reputation as a liberal, cultured, party city, Amsterdam is naturally a hit with vacationers all year round. But with an abundance of beautiful squares, sweet cobbled streets, picturesque canals and a rather huge obsession with cycling; the Dutch city is a city best experienced during the summer. When it…