Latest Articles on Politics

5 Controversial Monuments Around the World

On August 12, the world watched as several days of riotous protests broke out in Charlottesville, Virginia. While violence surrounding issues of racism is certainly nothing new in the United States, recent years have seen various groups fighting against the removal of monuments dedicated to the Confederacy under the guise of culture. And although Charlottesville…

Here’s What Trump’s New Policy Could Mean for Your Cuba Trip

It wasn’t long ago that Americans were rejoicing over the prospect of being able to travel to Cuba, an enigmatic country that was off limits to U.S. travelers due to a 50-plus year embargo. In 2016, approximately 614,000 Americans visited the Caribbean island nation known for its vintage cars, fabled cigars, and scarce Wi-Fi. Now,…

Inside the Tropical Destinations Making U.S. Political News Headlines

Every day seems to bring a new destination to the spotlight of American politics. To name just a few: Mexico, thanks to Trump’s proposed border wall; South Korea, because of its missile defense system; Russia, which has been under investigation for interfering in the 2016 U.S. election (calls for an independent investigation of the Trump…

The Official Residences of World Leaders That You Can Visit

From Great Britain’s 10 Downing Street to South Korea’s Blue House, the private residences of world leaders are all unique in their own way. Some are gargantuan palaces, while others are traditional castles, sprawling mansions, or luxury townhouses. Each one displays its own architectural identity and significant historical importance. So where do the world’s presidents…

How President Trump’s Travel Ban Might Impact Your Trip

On Friday, President Trump signed an executive order that shut the door on citizens of seven Muslim-majority countries (Syria, Somalia, Sudan, Iran, Iraq, Yemen, and Libya), prohibiting them from entering the U.S. for 90 days. The order also bars admission of all refugees for 120 days, and from Syria indefinitely. As a result, travelers were…