Latest Articles on Health and Wellness

Incredible Hot Springs in Canada and Where to Stay Nearby

Courtesy of Flickr/pentaboxes Welcome to Oyster! Your online authority on all things hot springs. And Canada. Just kidding — as you know, we’re hotel experts, but perhaps you’ve noticed our obsession of late with geothermal hot springs and Canadian travel destinations. Of course, outdoor hot springs in Canada are a mind-blowingly magical combo of the…

Top Packing Tips (and Tricks) for Germaphobes

Photo courtesy of Tina Franklin via Flickr Let’s face it: Travel is rife with germs. Whether you’re on an airplane, checking into a hotel room, or grabbing dinner from a street market, you’re going to encounter an unmeasurable amount of nastiness. And nothing ruins a vacation faster than food poisoning or the flu. The good…

The Best Hot Springs in the U.S.

Spending a few hours (or a few days) at a hot spring is a great way to relax and rejuvenate. Plus, unlike a spa vacation, it usually doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to do so. While the Blue Lagoon in Iceland and Pamukkale in Turkey are pretty cool, the U.S. is also home…

Our New Year’s Travel Resolutions

It’s that time of the year again — when the stale, clichéd New Year’s resolutions start pouring in (lose weight, eat healthier, spend wisely, you know the drill). And as important as all of those ambitions are (and as earnest as you may be when you make them), they’re usually a distant memory by the…

5 Household Products You Should Always Buy Abroad

Look, we love souvenir shopping just as much as the next traveler. But that shopping high you get from combing through a busy bazaar or cute local boutique doesn’t always translate to a useful purchase back home. Are you really going to put that carved back scratcher to use? Or go to the corner store…

6 Destinations Where Overindulging Is Good For You

Fact: Traveling and eating healthy don’t always go together. After all, you’re on vacation and stuffing your gullet with buttery, cream-filled pastries in France and three helpings of soul-satisfying fried food in the American south just feels right. But for some, with that overindulging comes days of inevitable post-trip guilt. Instead, sidestep that wretched feeling…

50 States, 50 Marathons: Awesome Races Around the U.S.

Photo courtesy of Flickr/Metropolitan Transportation Authority of the State of New York According to Running USA, the number of folks who crossed the finish line during a marathon increased nearly 300 percent between 1990 and 2014. In 2015, the New York City Marathon, the largest in the world, drew 49,595 finishers alone. But not all…

Zika in Southeast Asia: Destinations You May Want to Skip

Malaysia has been added to the list of countries with Zika-related travel advisories from the CDC. Zika virus, the mosquito-related disease that’s prompted travel advisories across the Caribbean as well as Central and South America, is now in Southeast Asia, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention says. Related Link: What You Need to Know…

8 Incredible Spiritual Sites Around the World

Whether they’re naturally formed or manmade, intricately detailed or strikingly simple, spiritual centers around the world offer a therapeutic place to reflect. Each has a fascinating past — some with roots in prehistoric times and many that have earned UNESCO World Heritage status. From an ashram in an Indian forest to a Buddhist temple on…

Ayahuasca: Why Travelers Swear by This “Trip” of a Lifetime

On a September evening in 1951, William S. Burroughs misjudged his aim while attempting a drunken party trick, shooting his wife dead. The previous year, the couple had moved to Mexico City to wait out a five-year statute of limitation on a New Orleans drug charge against Burroughs. It was during this time that, at…