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5 Ways to Have the Best Safari Experience Ever

A trip to southern Africa simply isn’t complete without a visit to one of the many national parks or nature reserves the region has to offer. Home to some of the largest animals on the planet, countries such as Namibia, South Africa and Tanzania contain extensive reserves that allow guests to observe animals in their…

The Top 6 Adventure Vacations of 2016

Tanzania: No Photoshop Required (Photo courtesy Larry Johnson) Vacation is synonymous with relaxation – or is it? If you’re an adventure traveler, the answer is that vacation is only sometimes about relaxation; other times, it’s about testing your wits, your courage, and your mettle with rip-roaring adventures like cycling up a mountain, diving deep into…

Exploring Hemingway’s Africa: A First-Hand Account

Adventure and Ernest Hemingway go hand-in-hand. The legendary author made a name for himself writing about his exploits in war and the wilderness, using simple yet beautiful language to describe the world in which he lived. As an apparent adrenaline junkie, Hemingway often sought out new and rare experiences. So, it was only a matter…

The 10 Best Places to Jump Start Your New Year’s Resolutions

Well, the holiday season is officially behind us; now the snow seems less festive and more just cold. Our bank accounts are verging on empty thanks to Christmas shopping and New Year’s Eve revelry. And the many “I’ll worry about that after the holidays” tasks are now upon us and looking pretty daunting. But, all…

Where the Surf’s Up in 5 Destinations South of the Equator

Like baking a cake, there are plenty of ingredients that make up the perfect climate for a good wave. These include a good swell, time of day, tide, direction of the wind, and fetch of the ocean’s floor. According to meteorologists, the most important factor in the forming of a wave is the aforementioned wind,…

The 6 Deadliest Tourist Attractions in the World

Some of us prefer vacations spent lying on the beach. But others don’t consider travel a treat unless adventure is involved. For this latter group, we’ve come up with plenty of lists of destinations and activities that will get your heart racing. But we haven’t yet covered ones that will make your heart stop —…

8 Amazing Travel Adventures You Can Only Experience in the Winter

Are you brave enough for #4? Photo courtesy of Marcel Ekkel. There are facts that most residents of the Northern Hemisphere must simply accept — first and foremost among them is the existence of winter. Once the glow of the holidays fades, January and February bring polar vortexes, skin-whipping wind chills, frost-bitten extremities, cars that…

8 Winter Getaways That Make for Perfect (And Inexpensive) Summer Escapes

The Caribbean, the West Coast, and North America’s ski resorts…. During the winter months, these spots are bustling with tourists who are either looking to escape the cold, or are seeking it out for that fresh powder. But summer months see their crowds dispersing for destinations like the beaches of the East Coast, Europe, and…