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Where to Travel in Your 20s, 30s, and Every Decade of Your Life

Our experts suggest the Maldives are for your forties. Here at, we like to think that travel is a lifetime journey. We believe it should start young and carry on into our late years as something that adds to our lives, at specific moments in our lives. While we have always had trouble turning…

What to Do in Amsterdam This Summer

Amina Tagemouati via Flickr With a reputation as a liberal, cultured, party city, Amsterdam is naturally a hit with vacationers all year round. But with an abundance of beautiful squares, sweet cobbled streets, picturesque canals and a rather huge obsession with cycling; the Dutch city is a city best experienced during the summer. When it…

11 Spots That Prove That Los Angeles Is an Extremely Walkable City

Los Angeles is infamous for its congested freeways, lack of adequate public transport, and (subsequently) walking-adverse residents. I lived in L.A. for nearly 10 years before I learned that there was a small network of underground trains rumbling underneath our roads. Barely any of my friends had bikes, and no one walked longer than a…

The 7 States with the Best Summer Hikes

Summer is here and plenty of people are headed off on beach vacations or tours of distant lands. If you plan to stay closer to home — but still want to soak up some sunshine (and get some exercise in the process) — check out these seven great states for hiking, along with suggested day…

9 Things You Should Know About Visiting Yosemite National Park

In honor of the National Park Service’s Centennial, I decided it was time to start visiting some of the national parks on my bucket list, starting with California’s world-famous Yosemite National Park. As a first-time visitor to the park, I really didn’t know what to expect — I just knew that there would be crowds…

6 Under-the-Radar Experiences in Peru

When it comes to Peru, three obvious destinations (Machu Picchu, Lima, and Cusco) never fail to make every top to-do list. And with unparalleled views, unique activity offerings, and fresh and mouthwatering cuisine, there’s no doubt they should make the cut. Still, we believe there are several often overlooked, off-the-grid gems dotting the country that…

7 Beautiful Pedestrian-Friendly Destinations That Don’t Allow Cars

There’s nothing like gearing up for an incredible vacation full of promise — of pampering, of relaxation, of blissful days free from stress — only to have your dreams crushed by rental car snafus, traffic jams, stir-crazy kids, and (let’s be honest) aggressive drivers in unfamiliar destinations. It’s a nightmare we’ve all lived. And that’s…

8 Things I Learned the Hard Way on Safari

Going on a safari in Tanzania was an experience unlike any other. I traveled to the African country in December for my honeymoon and was immediately struck by the scenery when I first awoke in Arusha. From that moment forward, the trip just got more and more fascinating as we ventured to Lake Manyara, the…

7 Beautiful Spots in Nature That Will Make You Feel Small

With so many of us living sedentary city lives, it’s not hard to see why — when vacation time comes around — there’s a strong desire to answer the call of Mother Nature and indulge in a little wanderlust. For some reason, though, park walks, riverside runs, and rooftop yoga (while nice) can’t quite match…

What No One Told Me About Riding a Camel in the Sahara Desert

I’m sitting second in line in a row of camels, singing Bob Marley’s “Buffalo Soldier” at the top of my lungs with women from China and the US, who live in London, Germany and Madrid, and two Moroccan guides. It’s not exactly what I had in mind when I first pictured my grand Saharan adventure…