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Potentially Deadly Luxury Vacations

We already shared the scoop on vacations that could maybe, kinda kill you, but we have a brand-new batch of spots that practically scream danger. And while not typical of a “relaxing vacay,” these retreats are sure to get your adrenaline pumping. Catch up on your thrills by visiting one of these terrifying (but beautiful!)…

Oyster’s Half Dozen: Top Fitness Hotels [VIDEO]

Every so often, our editors curate the best of the best — or as Oyster likes to call ’em, our Half Dozen. (Ed note: We obviously couldn’t resist that one.) Now that beach season is around the corner, it’s time to start busting our butts into bikini-approved shape. And while travel is an easy excuse…

Vacations That Could (Maybe, Kind Of) Kill You

Consider yourself an adrenaline junkie? Feel the need for speed? Well, you’re definitely not alone — and lots of folks seek their thrills out when traveling or on vacation (because flying on a trapeze is way cooler when you’re 3,000 miles away from home ). Before you sign your life away on one of these…

The Best Kid-Friendly Hotels in Our Favorite Ski Towns

The snow has finally started to fall which means that it’s time to take a ski vacation with the family! Whether your kids are future Olympians or have yet to perfect the “pizza,” they probably won’t want to do just that — and hey, you might need a break from the kiddies yourself — so…

New Years Resolution Redos: Hotels to Help You Start the Year Over

We know how bloated/badly/gross you felt on New Year’s Day — and how you vowed to kick the nasty habit causing your “pain.” (Or weight gain, whatever.) Well, folks, it’s January 16 — can you say that you’ve started your resolution yet? Because around here at, many of us have (whoops) let our resolutions…