The Quirky Hotel Decor Hall of Fame: West Coast Edition
We've already spotlighted the creepiest pieces of hotel art we'd encountered in Vegas, New York, and Miami (we chose "creepy" rather than "quirky" because most of those pieces appeared to be watching us). But after our San Fran and Los Angeles trips, we came home with plenty more photos of artsy, wacky-coolness found in the hotels we reviewed on the West Coast.
Feast your eyes upon (or avert them from, depending on your taste) the Cali edition of our Quirky Hotel Decor Hall of Fame.

Spotted in Sofitel L.A.'s fitness center

Doggies in people outfits. Custom Hotel, L.A.

Elevator characters, SLS Hotel Beverly Hills

Another elevator friend, Custom Hotel, Los Angeles

Upcycled water bottle chandelier, Good Hotel, San Francisco

Kensington Park Hotel angry horse thing, San Francisco

Lobby deck chairs, Argonaut Hotel, San Francisco

Kitty saying hello (but not a Hello Kitty!), Best Western Tomo, San Francisco

Sheepies in the Custom Hotel Lobby, Los Angeles

In case you never learned. Custom Hotel, Los Angeles

Creature bench, SLS Hotel Beverly Hills