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15 Unique Hotel Stays to Try Before You Die

    Ever dreamed of sleeping in a castle? Check out all 15 of Oyster's bucket list stays.

    Ever dreamed of sleeping in a castle? Check out all 15 of Oyster's bucket list stays.

    If you're like most of us, you probably have a dream trip tucked in the back of your mind -- the improbable fantasy hotel stay that will happen one day down the road when you have the time/money/etc. Maybe. But now that we've all survived the Mayan apocalypse and are busy working on New Year's resolutions, Oyster has a resolution challenge for you that you probably won't mind keeping. In 2013, don't put off that trip you're planning to do before you die any longer. Because if the Mayans taught us anything, it's that we could be dead tomorrow, right? To help you take the plunge, we've compiled 15 incredible and utterly unique hotel stays that should be on everyone's bucket list.